I hate the cleaning days. I seriously go crazy "cleaning" my house before the day my house cleaner comes. Does that make sense? I start by putting all the dishes and pots away, Lila's mats and play gym tucked away in the closet, all the knick knacks in the office stashed in the drawers, etc...
Anyhow, we were stranded today. Usually the cleaners come during her nap, but I had to switch it up because of my dreaded dentist appointment. One of three this month. Ughhh why are my teeth so jacked? lol. Regular cleaning, two new cavities, one crown because my back molar split, and *cross my fingers* I don't need a root canal. I swear I thought root canals were for grandmas and grandpas. Sheesh, I got the bad teeth/eye genes from my parents.
Ok so back to my title topic. I decided to have a picnic at the park. I got the thick beach towel and lugged everything in the stroller. It was such a beautiful day, and the best part was she had a lot of fun. So it seems. She was flapping her arms, touching the grass (first time she felt grass), screaming her head off which was A-OK with me, and eating her food while watching the Arrowhead truck, cars, mailman, people walking their dogs go by.
I need to have picnics more often and invest in a picnic blanket. Here are some cute ones I found and all are waterproof!

Biggest one I can find that's affordable

Cute one from PicnicTime. Same one that Courtney Cox has :P

Best bang for the buck