Thursday, August 20, 2009

Gymboree II

I almost got sucked into buying a membership. Almost! I decided to wait till she's in Level 3.

The class was cute. Learned some new songs. I was easily amused by the special gymbo bubble blower so I had to buy one for her. She had fun crawling down the slide but would not go up. She refused! She wouldn't even push her feet against the palm of my hands...maybe she was too scared? She also wasn't keen on crawling through tunnels. I even tried to entice her with a ball but got nothing.

The best part about the class was that she accomplished a major milestone - pulling herself up to a standing position without my help. The instructor put a fish toy on a bridge, and she hoisted herself up to get the fish...of course her prize to put in her mouth. I was such a proud mama freaking out! Lila's never done that by herself! We did that about 4x, and I think she had enough. It was a great afternoon...till next time.

btw, here is a pic of her completely amazed by all the bubbles. That's the look - mouth opened with hands held up like that and completely still like a statue! I'm so happy I upgraded to their bubble blower compared to my .99 store bought one that blows maybe 10 bubbles at a time! Edible and non toxic.

1 comment:

Stella said...

AH i love the picture with the bubbles. she looks soooo in awe and so curious!

ps- signing with my personal blog :)