Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Happy Birthday!

This year was the first year I had to experience celebrating two birthdays at the same time. I survived :P

Can't believe the kiddos are all growing up!

Love you girls!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


I'm back again! I have pics galore and an update on what we've been up to! Lila started drop off preschool at Eastside Christian Preschool which is about five minutes away from us. We've trying it out once a week to transition her full time or part time (part time, I'm hoping!!) before the dreaded moment I have to go back to working. Lila did great the first day and didn't even shed a tear. I want to say the reason is because she's attending school with her buddy Emi! We hear they get into mischief, but they are the youngest ones there so they have some growing up to do and learning from the big kids. The second week was hard, and she cried and became all dramatic. I called the Director when I got home, and she said Lila was fine and was painting with Emi. How soon they forget!!! I got our first set of pics from school for what they've been up to for September!
Pre-Kinder Gardening
Pre-Kinder Gardening
Pre-Kinder Gardening
The school is growing an organic vegetable garden, and the kids are learning about the whole process. I'm excited for her to learn, and I'm LOVING the quiet time at home. It's nice to just have a few hours alone with Tabs and to get some work done around the house. I already have a routine down - get my grocery shopping done, go home and do the dishes, throw in a load of laundry, start prepping for dinner, and have time to watch a tivo'd show. Doesn't sound like fun, but just being able to do things like this without being interrupted is quite nice. While I'm busy doing all of this, Tabs is busy taking her morning nap. She's so easy going and just follows along with Lila's schedule. I mean she's forced to, but honestly I don't have to worry about her eating or taking the bottle or sleeping. On the flip side, she's such the curious little one crawling from one place to another and getting into everything. I really have to watch her. I've already had to take out pieces of our rug and paper and crayons from her mouth. It doesn't matter what she finds, she will stick it in her mouth!
silly girl... Last weekend we went to the Irvine pumpkin patch with the whole gang!
Look no hands!
Family pic
Girls with their face paint minus LB who was chillin in her stroller. She must have been tired from all the jumping in the bouncer! That's it..till next time! I'll be posting about Tabi's bday next :-)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

3-0 is the new 20!!!

long time! i decided to get back into blogging again. life has been crazy here. lilsprinkles has consumed my days and nights. if you're reading this, and you have nothing to do the weekend of july 16th, come to the renegade fair! it's going to be at the la state historic park.

i wanted to remember this crazy day, so i decided to blog about it! i turned 30 today. yay! NOT! actually it doesn't matter to me. it doesn't feel any different. i still feel young. i'm going to feel even younger this weekend when i celebrate with my girlfriends. :-) my body feels the pain of being one year older though. i cannot lose the last several pounds for the life of me!

sooo...what did i do today to celebrate this big day? my sis took me out to eat lunch at our fave buffet - VIP. lila had a meltdown and tabs had one too because she heard lila crying. it was a sad sight. i wanted to eat a couple more plates of food, but with the two of them crying i had to leave. i guess it was a blessing in disguise. i saved myself from eating another 1000+ calories of unhealthy food. the hubs said he would be home late tonight, so he told me to treat myself to something good to eat. hmmmm...suhlungtang sounded so good to me, esp in this 85 degree weather. i packed up the kids in the car, got to the restaurant, ergo'd tabs, waited for 10 minutes in a non-air conditioned restaurant, took lila to go pee pee in the bathroom (remember i'm still attached to tabs), and to top it off, the suhlungtang was not good. today was just a bad day of eating for me, and i love to eat.

anyways, i have updates with pics!!

almost potty trained! the past two nights have been a big breakthrough with dry diapers!

tabs at 7 mo. happy baby for sure! she's worm crawling!

lila insists on going inside the crib after tabs wakes up. it's a cute sight to see. this makes me want them to share a room!

k, till next time!

Friday, April 15, 2011


We had to visit the Easter bunny this year! Contemplated on whether or not Tabi needed an Easter bunny pic, and I had to do it since Lila got one when she was her age at 4 months.

My how things have changed in the last two months. Lila's relationship with her sis has grown leaps and bounds! She'll share her toys with her, say "Bless you Tabi" when she sneezes, and most of all, she'll be sweet to her throughout the day. It's been awhile since I had to discipline her about being a meanie towards her sis.

Loves to pose like this with tabs.

Seriously..she's such a sweet natured baby. It's so fun to see her laugh now, esp when her cousins make her laugh. They love her so much already! It's the cutest thing to see. They'll definitely be ready when their baby brother OR baby sister make their debut! I can't wait!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Happy 2011!

Ahhh my first post for the new year and my first post since Tabie was born. It's been awhile. :)

First off, I want to give much props to all the moms out there. Esp moms of 2+ more kids! I knew it was going to be tough but never did I imagine it was going to be this hard. (To all the moms with a +1 on the way, hehe don't worry, after the first few weeks it gets better!) Don't want to scare you guys, but you know how it was with my firstborn.

Lila went into a slight depression and had a major jealous streak once she realized Tabie was not just a visitor at our home. She came to visit me at the hospital, and once she saw me holding Tabie, it went downhill from there. She wouldn't dare come near me. I wondered if she thought she was being "replaced", and that just killed me. Let me tell you, I had some major emotional breakdowns.

It didn't help either with the pain of nursing. I look back and think of Lila's newborn days and realized she was an easy baby when it came to nursing and sleeping. It's the exact opposite with Tabie. When people told me nursing was worse than giving birth, I couldn't relate. Of course, I never wanted to admit that to those moms. They'd prob want to strangle me. But now I UNDERSTAND! The pain that came with nursing T was almost unbearable. I wanted to give up. I was very close to doing that until I went to St. Jude Wellness Center to see their Lactaction Consultant. T was not latching on properly. It was such a poor latch that I already formed two big blisters on my you know what. After a few days of just keeping at it and clenching my teeth, my blisters soon healed and bf became painless.

The sleep is another story. Lila was a eat and sleep kind of gal. Hardly ever woke up crying at night. Never made a peep. T on the otherhand loves to hear her own voice. She is still on Zantac for reflux, but it definitely is getting better. I've been on many forums to see what other parents say about grunting children in the wee hours of the morning, and they all say their children grow out of it around 2-4 months old. Crossing my fingers that I won't have to stay up from 3-6am any longer. I'll prob look back at this post when T's one year old and wish I back at this stage. They do grow up so fast. I can't believe she's already 7 weeks old!

As far as Lila's and Tabie's relationship goes, T is still caged in her area. Lila made huge progress though, and I can see that she understands when it's T's time to eat. It used to be a big deal when it came time for her feedings. I needed to make sure I had the remote handy, a new toy out (new doesn't mean "new" but it means that I've put away an old toy of hers and I'm bringing it back out after a week or so), or a snack at her side. Just thinking how it was during the first week and how it is now, it's a HUGE difference. A good difference. Slowly but surely they'll be bffs, right!?


(getting ready to dogpile her till I intervened)

and the single shot of Tabitha...

Cooing has officially started!