Thursday, February 25, 2010


Finally sucked it up and bought an annual pass. Cost me an arm and a leg but it's ok. To see Lila light up and start screaming in Small World made it all worth it!

No line! Woohoo. It pays to go right when the park opens.

The moms I went with are avid Disneyland visitors, so they had it all planned out.

Park at Downtown Disney.
Ride It's a Small World.
Give the kids a snack as we head on over to CA adventure.
Get free tortillas at the tortilla exhibit.
Visit the characters...this time it was Pluto. Lila burst into tears when she saw him. Maybe next year?
Catch the 11:30 showing of Mickey's Playhouse.
Ride Heimlich's Chew Chew Train. Did this all in 3 hours and made it back to my car to get free parking. haha.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The dreaded first driving ticket

I went to a baby shower this past weekend, and it was held in a beautifully decorated home. The shower was oh so cute too and the games...TOO MUCH FUN!

So I came home that afternoon and decided I would finally do something about my horrid windows! I bought curtains! I'm SOOOOO nervous because I'm not a curtain person, but I was inspired to take a risk. Then I decided I needed a bench for my bedroom, a vanity for the corner of my bedroom, barstools, decor for my staircase walls, etc. Ugh!

My search has sadly come to a halt though. I got pulled over for the FIRST time, let me repeat the first time ever in my history of 12 years of driving and got my first ticket - the cell phone ticket. I really have to hit myself because I even saw the Oprah episode of how dangerous it is to use the cellphone while driving. In my defense, I was using it at a stoplight to check emails. :/ I always told myself if I ever got pulled over, I would start crying but that didn't happen. I got SOOOOO defensive and this cop was an A$$. He asked me why I was using the phone, and my response went something like this...

Me: I'm so sorry officer. I was trying to lower the volume to vibrate on my phone so that if someone called my daughter wouldn't hear it because it's time for her to nap. (stupid excuse, huh?)

Lila: Ahhhhhhh! Screaming and kicking her legs in a happy way. She was in the best mood.

Cop: She doesn't look tired to me. Give me your ID.

I got so discouraged of my tarnished record that I don't want to decorate anymore.


Friday, February 5, 2010

First week of school

First off, I'm home! Yippee! Paris was amazingly beautiful, but my home is the best place to be.

I was a bit nervous about taking Lila to school the week we came back from vacay, but she fell right back into her schedule. I have to say she is an easy lil girl when it comes to her sleep. As long as she has crib and blankie, she's good to go.

Our first week of school was fun, interesting, and really eye-opening. I predicted Lila would enjoy herself and behave during circle time because she loves music and books, but what about activity time, craft time, recess, and snack time?

Activity time: B+
I don't think she's ever sat in a chair by herself without a seatbelt attached to her. Granted these are tiny chairs but I didn't think she was capable of plopping her booty on and off the chair. She did it though! I give her a B because she still tries to put stuff in her mouth.

Craft time: D
Lila is one of the youngest in her class. Some of the crafts they do are pretty difficult! Can a two year old really glue circles on a piece of paper and use masking tape to attach a stick to it? I know the parents are supposed to do most of the work, but man...Lila won't have any part of it. I won't fail her on this because she will at least sit down at the table!

(Finished craft by mom)

Recess: A+
How can any kid not love recess? She's amazed not by the playground with the swings and the slides but of the dirty ball in the corner or the woodchips on the ground. That's my girl! She did however set her sights on a cute boy. Oh no! Hope this isn't a precursor to what I'll face when she's older.

Snack time: A
So far so good!

I have to make Valentines to give out next week. Exciting! hehe my Lila stamp needs to be put to use!