Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year's!

Vegas was a blast! Lila did wonderful on the car rides and slept like a baby the first night. Second night was a different story! She decided to wake up at 2am and play. We didn't go back to sleep till 4am. I've been catching up on my sleep the past two days cause of that night. The hubs won some money on sports betting but then lost it all on roulette. Typical! Vegas always makes you think you can win it all.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy to be bouncing around on the fluffy bed. She learned about jumping on beds from her cousins. Not sure where my other Vegas pics went...can't seem to locate them after I cleaned up my folders. I hope I didn't delete them.

Anyhow, we just celebrated NYE with family five hours before midnight. We toasted with actual champagne after a pizza dinner. So funny how life has changed. Just a few years ago, I was partying it up at one of those LA parties where tickets cost $80. WOW.

::NYE 2006::
My mole days! Btw, that's Daniel Dae Kim from Lost for those of you who don't know! I am such a celebrity freak. I will hunt them down for a pic or an autograph. I have no shame. I once tracked down a D list foreign celebrity at the mall and asked him for an autograph. Oh, the embarrassment!

Happy New Year's everyone! Wishing ya'll a blessed 2010.

Friday, December 25, 2009

La La Las Vegas!

Countdown begins! We will be taking our first family vacay to Vegas. I'm excited to getaway. Excited to eat good food. Excited to see how Lila will react to being outside of her "cage"! Excited to play Scrabble with the hubs while Lila sleeps PEACEFULLY in the hotel crib. :)

I started making a checklist of what I need to pack, and it's ridiculous. I cannot believe how much stuff I need to bring for a 1 year old. We're only staying for two days, but I swear I feel like I'm bringing a week's worth of stuff. I guess that's how life is now. Long gone are the days of packing my belongings in a duffle bag!

My fam celebrated Christmas yesterday, and we stuffed ourselves with some awesome potluck food. The kids all got a ton of presents, and Lila was more interested in the ribbons and bows than the gifts. I'm sure next year will be a different story. The adults played White Elephant, and I got some lotion/body stuff while the hubs stole a Starbucks gift card.

the youngins minus Caleb and Matthew

fun for me, not so much for her

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!


Monday, December 21, 2009


Hubs and I really, really wanted to go to Disneyland with Lila to see the Christmas decorations, but we decided to wait till next year when she's a lil older. Sigh...I was totally looking forward to seeing Dland all done up!

Instead, my sis took me to Knotts. We were able to get in free cause she pulled some strings. :P We had about 2 hours to go wild, and that is what we did! Wild enough for a baby to handle. Knotts was great for us because parking was free for the first 3 hours, and we got to get their famous chicken dinner to go. You can't beat that!

I was nervous about Lila's reaction to the rides, but she was LOVIN it! I have NEVER seen her sooooo giddy when she went inside the Snoopy bouncer. We were so amazed by how much fun she was having. My night camera skills suck big time...she looks like a ghost in these pics.

She did not move once! She bounced up and down and just laughed at all the kids jumping up and down.

Sadly we didn't get to ride the hot air balloon ride because Lila wasn't wearing shoes. (Rule Ride!) I had some in her stroller too, but it wasn't worth lugging my bag, camera, and Lila down a flight of stairs to get her shoes. I mean really..did that rule have to apply to a 1 year old?

Can't wait for my family Christmas party and Viva Las Vegas!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Visit From Santa

I've been dreading going to the mall BIG TIME! When I heard Santa was coming to my community, I was soooooooo ECSTATIC! Forget the mall or Fashion Island. Actually, I still want to take a trip to Fashion to have pics taken in front of their ginormous Christmas tree. :)

We arrived at the Christmas event like 5 minutes before it started because we wanted to be first in line to take pics with Santa. WRONG! There were already about 8 kids before us. I'm impatient when it comes to waiting! It actually turned out to be a good thing because we had a really great time meeting some new neighbors.

Do you think Lila got scared with Santa? It was inevitable that she would start crying especially with that long beard of his brushing up against her face. It was the most hilarious scene. This Santa did not know what to do!

The neighbors started chanting her name with me and the hubs, and she kind of stopped.

Two more weeks left till Christmas!!!! woohoo!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Long time blogging friends! I've been holed up in my office sewing like a madwoman. I knew this was going to happen to me. After the dohl, I knew I wouldn't be able to rest for another three weeks cause of the fair. Although this fair wasn't as good as Renegade, it was a good learning experience. We got some great tips from fellow vendors, and hopefully my sis learned a few things since she'll be doing the next one ALONE! I need a summer break!

I can't believe Lila is ONE! I just saw the ticker on my blog...kinda weird seeing that. I can't believe I didn't update since pre-dohl! I was going to do a birthday picture update, but I'm seriously bday'd out.

She did great at her 1st birthday party! There were about three "almost" meltdowns, but the bubble show, her crackers, and the cupcake saved the day! And of course, the last nap which was a long one helped her from going delirious towards the end of the night. Gosh, now thinking back, she was a trooper as all babies are for their dohls. Meeting and greeting people, changing clothes and wearing a super uncomfortable han-bok, having strangers come up to your face non-stop, schedule getting thrown's an ordeal for them! If only she could remember the day...

I'm sad to say she warmed up to the in-laws only the last few days of their stay here at our house. Wow...tell me about delayed stranger anxiety. I feel so bad for my in-laws. They were giving her soooo much love too. If she only knew! My MIL made her fancy jook which is stored in my freezer. ahhhhh LOVE IT! I don't have to worry about making another batch for awhile! Hopefully Lila will give them a warm hello when we go to Chitown in 6 months. Can't wait!

Seriously in a month, soooo many things have changed! She's drinking cow's milk, which was a big hurdle. It took almost two weeks for her to transition. Ughhh headache. I can already tell, she's not big on change! I'm still nursing once before bedtime, but I'm thinking of dropping it because she doesn't seem like she needs to or wants to. Am I forcing it upon her? haha I don't want to give the last feeding up :( Can't she stay a baby forever?

Lila started taking her first steps a couple weeks ago, but she is now walking from one end of the room to the couch all by herself! I'm sad I missed her doing this the first time. She decided to walk like a big girl just for her daddy while I was at the fair! Her waddle is hilarious! One thing she has mastered is the kimchi squat!!! She's a freakin pro at doing that!

No pics to share except this blurry one I took a few days ago. I don't think I can forget that night because it was the first time I saw her comforting Samantha. She's completely "aware" when someone is feeling sad. Lila kept putting her head on Samantha's head as if she was giving her a kiss. My sis and I couldn't believe it! Where did she learn this? It was amazing to see such sisterly love between them. It worked too! After that, they all had fun jumping and playing together!