Monday, November 24, 2008

Fair Weekend Update

The weekend went by so quickly. We packed up at least 10 boxes and took them to BP both Saturday and Sunday. I didn't realize we lived so far after doing the Valley - OC drive back to back. I live far!

We met our neighbors, and one guy is a cop. I was so excited to hear that! I've always had nightmares when I was younger about someone breaking into my house, so to know that there is cop next door makes me feel safer for some reason. It's a recurring nightmare of mine...hate it! Do you have a recurring nightmare? Won has one and will break into sweats when he wakes up from it. It's of him missing an important final to graduate college!??? Wish I had a dream book to make sense of what all of this means.

Anyhow, lil sprinkles had our first holiday fair yesterday. You can read it about here.

Here is a pic of our booth. Initially, big sis was going to work alone, but I ended up going after she called me at the butt crack of morning telling me how the turnout was insane! People started lining up at 5:30am to get in.

Buttons were a hit, SC paperweights were a hit...big sis! Too high of a price point? We're not sure, but we're hoping the next fair on 12/6 at Cerritos Tall Mouse will be better for us.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hooter hider aka nursing cover aka bosom buddy, etc...

I decided to make some stuff for me and Lila, and my first project was a nursing cover. I got a yard of Alexander Henry jungle fabric, and made this:

***Free tutorial can be found here***

BTW, did anyone see Brad Pitt on Oprah yesterday? I was disappointed in him...he seemed cocky and wasn't very friendly to that tattoo lady even though she came across as a MEGA STALKER!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Welcome's official!

2008 is probably the busiest and one of the craziest years for us. In addition to welcoming our first baby which can be any day now, we are proud to say we are owners of this lovely home below:

I call it the Carmenita home because it's the colors of my junior high...yellow and green. :P

I'm sad to be moving out of the valley because of the great friends we've made and to be leaving our church, The Garden. That's definitely the number one thing we will miss about this area.

On the flip side, I'll be only 10 minutes away from my mom and sis! Plus, my girlfriends are nearby, so I'll be able to see them more often! Yay!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Waiting Game

Just got back from the doc, and I'm 2 centimeters dilated! Dr. Wong said she felt Lila's head, and my cervix is thinning nicely. What does this all mean? Well, I guess it means I can have Lila any day now, which is FREAKING ME OUT!

This is what I found on a birthing site - birthing with guinever:

"You can be 36, 37, or 38 weeks pregnant, 2 centimeters dilated and not have your baby for several weeks. Or you can be 2 centimeters dilated and be in very early labor or pre-labor having a couple contractions an hour and maybe have a baby within the next couple days. Or you can be 2 centimeters dilated and be having very long, hard contractions that are close together. In this last scenario, you will have your baby very soon."

I have one thing planned this week in the OC, and I'm wondering if I can do it alone because it's during the week and during work hours. No hubs to drive me around!

I'm trying to rest up as much as possible because I feel like the last couple days I've been out and about and being more active than normal. I need just one more week...just one more week!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Random thoughts

I'm 37 weeks, full term! I actually had a semi-productive day today. I met with my pediatrician, and he was adorable. Late 50's/early 60's...a tender, caring grandpa. He was so sweet, and he gave me a "nuggie" because I told him I didn't know I needed a pediatrician before I could take my baby home from the hospital. First of all, I haven't had a nuggie in a long time and secondly, he did it in a way that wasn't awkward because that's something you don't do to a stranger.

I stopped watching Jon and Kate probably 6 months ago, but I started up again because I wanted to watch them take their vows again in Hawaii. I'm happy cause there is a J&K marathon going on right now!

SKB reminded me that I'll have to send my announcements during xmas time. I think she offered to help me because this girl has the BEST penmanship in the WORLD! SKB - did you offer to help or is it all in my head? hehe :P Sars bought me a gift cert to a photographer in my local area, Jill Peterson, and I love her style! I'm wondering if it will be too crazy to bring the photog to my house to take shots? I'm considering it even with all the hectic things going on in my life because I just love those black and white naked newborn shots where the baby is laying on the dad's hand. Do you know what I mean? I'm sure I can take them at her studio but at 2-3 weeks, I'm scared to take her out and about except for doctor visits.

I did buy her outfit for the photo though. Lila will be wearing this tiara velvet headband and nothing else!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday update

I don't know what to do with myself. My first day of not working has been hard. One of the first things I did when I woke up was check my work email. I still have access to my work email from home, and I can't believe I actually signed on. Work withdrawal, I guess?

I've been busy making dolls. Busy making food for myself since I can't eat at my good ol work cafeteria. I just finished taking a 15 minute walk around my complex and met an old grandma who said I don't look like I can deliver in 3 weeks. She thinks I'm too small! That was nice to hear considering I feel like a whale. I'm going to take another walk in a few hours because I feel like I gained 5 pounds alone from dinner last night at Lawry's.

My family went to Lawry's to celebrate my mom's 60th. This is what we bought her:

Hopefully my mom will put it to good use!

Lawry's was delish. I think my favorite part of Lawry's besides the actual prime rib is the salad. Won would still prefer caesar's salad over the spinning salad!...Gasp!

Anyhow, I'm off to watch Oprah and think of what to make for dinner. :-)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Six pounds and counting...

I am SO incredibly happy today! Today is my last day of work, and I officially start maternity leave. I’m also grinning ear to ear because my doctor’s visit was a good one. She said Lila is estimated to be 6 pounds right now! I have three more weeks to go, so by the time I give birth she might be around 7.5. Not bad, right? I say not bad because everyone and their moms have been telling me that I’ll probably have a big baby because I was a 10 pounder. I honestly don’t know how my mom did it, but I was a ghastly 10 pounds. I’ll have to scan a picture of my baby picture and well as Won’s baby pic so you can see what a big chubs I was.

I know these are all estimates, and I can potentially have a bigger/smaller baby than expected. I’m just happy to know she didn’t estimate me at more!

I haven’t dropped at all either, and my doc said it won’t happen for awhile. The way things are looking now, maybe I’ll have my baby probably on time or even later. Sooo…does that mean I can go to the Splendid/Ella Moss sale next week without worrying that my water is going to break????

Still contemplating that one!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Costume Part II

Juno and Bleeker!

No one knew who I was, even while walking beside Won. They thought he was Napoleon Dynamite or Will Ferrel from Semi-Pro, and me...just a preggers wearing a funky outfit. I didn't have the right skirt nor the right hoodie, but I had the striped shirt and I wore my hair in a ponytail!?!? This pic scares me though. Look at my monster hand! (Thanks Jangmi for the idea)

I finally can mark off another item on my to do list. I got a haircut! I chopped off about 5 inches on Saturday. I'm loving it because it feels so light, and I can cut some time from showering - prob my #1 thing I DESPISE DOING! Don't get me wrong. I take showers...I just hate them. Is that weird?