Tuesday, September 15, 2009

a little bit of this and that

ahhhh finally some time to relax and unwind. Hubs did dishes, I watched my fix of Jon and Kate, and opened up my Halloween candy early so I could eat some Peanut M&Ms for dessert. I hate J&K now, but I just had to watch to see what they were up to. I really need to delete them from my recorded shows.

The Dohl is coming along. Catering and the photographer are booked. Cupcakes have been ordered from a very talented gal I met at one of the craft fairs ~ Just Jenn. All that is left to do is the DIY stuff which I've been posting on the lil sprinkles blog. Sigh...I realize I work better under pressure.

I've put a hold on birthday stuff to make some dolls for the coyote. She's becoming more and more of a coyote everyday. She's been climbing on me every chance she gets, crawling in her exersaucer and trying to make it topple over, shrieking from the top of her lungs, and her latest and greatest thing is to stand in her jail cell licking each panel as if she's making her mark!

Caught her red-handed!

Tomorrow is music class, and I'm hoping she'll like it. Hopefully she will since it's looking like she has a thing for music and dancing. Following daddy's footsteps. As long as she stays away from glam rock and metal, it's all good! :P


jangmi said...

what up!!? =P i'm sure L will love music class. she's got a good pair of lungs on her! mochilato next week?

lilsprinkles said...

what do you think it all tastes like to her?