Thursday, September 10, 2009

Jumped on the bandwagon

We bought SLR camera. All I know is that it takes amazing photos, and I'm in love. Usually I'm not a manual reader, but I actually went through the camera manual twice. Gotta get the most of it esp if I'm going to be the photographer of the family. It will also come in handy to take photos of the goodies in the lil sprinkles shop!

Background blurry shot at grandma's house

Portrait w/ no light


sillie smile said...


i don't think it matters WHAT kind of camera you use when you're taking a picture of cutie like Lila!!!

she's so cute, i want to bite her. :)

gonna have to sneak down to OC and visit you guys soon :)

jangmi said...

isn't it awesome?? love it!

Grace Y said...

I have one, too and it's amazing!! duuuude chris... Lila is so f'ing cute. hurts my eyes.