On a brighter note, I only gained two pounds in three weeks! WOOOHOOO! This is HUGE news for me, and even my doc mentioned that I must be eating better because I was averaging 1.25 pounds a week. I cut down all sweets, white breads, and salt (so hard to do esp cause I have a hubs who cannot stand bland food). My obsession with my weight gain has reached its peak! I'm glad I'm over it because I only have two months left...ahhhh TWO MONTHS!
Lately I've been thinking of all the activities I'll miss doing now that I'm having a baby. Don't get me wrong - I'm all for having our lil girl, and I'm so excited to finally be a mommy. However, lately I've been reminded time and time again that life will change, and I will have to forego a lot of things - for good and some temporarily.
So here are just some of the things I know I'll miss doing in no particular order...
1.) Taking a vacay day from work to hit up the bi-annual Barney's Warehouse sale with my girls.

Hardcore? Yes! Look how focused we look. (pictures taken from jangmi's xanga)
I'm sure I'll be visiting good ol Santa Monica in 2010 :-)
2.) Midori all you can eat sushi
Locations: Studio City, Sherman Oaks, Encino
Price $25/person
Did I mention all you can eat ono and fatty albacore belly?
3.) My daily coffee fix and two buck chuck
4.) Dancing with my girls. But what I'll miss even more are those random things that happen throughout the night -

Eyelash malfunction

Everyone singing the wrong lyrics

Getting "low" but not having the ability to get back up because of weak knees
The list goes on...too bad I didn't have a pic of our many bathroom episodes!