Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Is my baby ready?

Yes she is! Lila is definitely ready for some actual food in her tummy! I'm so excited yet sad that it's happening so fast. She'll be five months next week, and I think we'll be starting her off with some rice cereal this weekend. I bought some fun colored spoons and bowls and Earth's Best Organic Rice Cereal. I heard Gerber's Cereal was good too...we'll see what works for her. I have my Kiss Me ready to go. That thing has been put to great use already - hubs loves making smoothies and fruit juices with that thing!

I'll let ya know how it goes this weekend!


sillie smile said...

awwwww... already?!
it's all happening so fast. can you video it, and post it?! :)

Asianmommy said...

Fun! Don't forget your camera to capture her first big mess. :)

skinnyfat said...

i love your little lila. she is the happiest baby ever. i am still thinking about her!!! :-) see you manana.