Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Rub a dub dub

Yesterday was bath time, and both Lila and I love this time. I love it because she loves it and it calms her, and she loves it because...who knows why? She loves water unlike her mommy who can't swim. I have one of those Korean ahjuma bodies, ya know? I can swim under water, paddle like a dog, but I can not free style for the life of me. After two strokes, I start sinking and can't seem to keep afloat.

Anyhow, I was super excited to use this visor to protect her ears. I'm paranoid about water getting inside her ears...something I prob got from my mil.

She wasn't too thrilled about having this big floppy thing around her head but I love it. One of the best inventions made for someone like me.


sillie smile said...

she's SO cute :)
i am STILL paranoid of water getting in sillie's ears! if i thought water got in her ears (from splashing) i would make her sleep on that side to make it drain.

i figure there's so much wax, nothing can penetrate? hopefully.

jangmi said...

that is a great invention...where can i get one of those?? lb loves bathtime too!

Anonymous said...

Oh--I've never seen that before. Looks like a cool device.

ck said...

jangmi: babies r us sells them!

jangmi said...

i added the baby bday ticker to my blog too!! it's so cute....great find!! =)