Friday, March 27, 2009

Happy 4 Months!

Yay, she's hit the four month mark!

* Full head control
* Grabs toys
* Recognizes my voice/face
* Sleeping at least a six hour stretch at night
* Laughing
* Squealing/shrieking like a madwoman. Guess she loves the sound of her voice?

She's 13 lbs 6 oz and almost 25 in long. Not quite there but hopefully soon :) We went to visit the Easter bunny to take some pictures @ Fashion. No crying yet no smiles. She had that what are you doing to me look...classic one that the hubs does all too often.

Of course I had to jump in for a shot for the scrapbook :P

Another one w/ the cousins. My sis and I have yet to take a pic with the kids...why!!!

I can tell it will be a beautiful weekend...have a great one!


BanglePark said...

she is crazy cute~! =)

sillie smile said...

you look great! and can i say she's SO cute?! :)

Stella said...

awww, how cute!! how funny, my friend's daughter is about lila's age and she says she loves to scream/shriek too! i wonder what it is!?