The colors for baby #2's room. Hello again! I've been neglecting my personal blog. :/
With every spare minute I have, I've been consumed with gathering ideas for redecorating not only Lila's room, but baby #2's room, and the office/guest room. The hubs is freaking out that I'm going to spend all this money, but I promised him I would be doing it on a budget. It's kinda fun to do things on a budget anyways. Makes me appreciate all the hard work. What I'm hating is that I can't do things on my own - like picking up furniture and moving things around OR painting OR hanging stuff on the walls. I guess I can do the latter, but I've been getting light headed these days. My excuse!
Seriously, preg #2 is soooooo different from the first! Who knew? Esp cause I'm having another girl again!
My first purchase was this lamp base from PBteen (on sale now!):
Imagine cute vintage baby blocks inside? I love the idea that I can replace whatever goes inside as my kids get older.
I have an ivory colored lamp shade that has been sitting in my garage. I'm hoping I can spruce it up by adding some ribbon or fabric to it.
Anyhow, my journey to decorating will be posted on the lil sprinkles blog, so find me there folks!
The Best of Amazon
3 years ago
how fun!! let the nesting begin....again! =) can't wait to see the finished product. inspire me please!
yay! Lila will be a good sis :) I'm so happy you're having another girl. I'm right there with you on the sister bonding-- it's awesome, plus double the wardrobe (even though they won't wanna share when young-- "is that MY shirt?!, you know those days)
OMG! congratulations yoonj!!! lol. omg i can so see you with 2 little girls. cutest!!! hope you and the little ones are well~
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