Monday, May 10, 2010

happy birthday to the twinsies

We had a blast at their birthday party at Fun City. It was so crazy and hectic, I didn't even get a picture of the twins. :(

Since it was her second time here, I'm assuming that's why she wasn't as scared? Maybe she remembered the slides? She had to because she went down the monstrous one like 5 or 6x. Even my mom took her down on one of the slides.

sis friend taking her down the slide...

then my sis...

then my mom...

Maybe I need to get a bounce house for her 2nd birthday??? She absolutely loves these slides and bouncers. I thought she would be a scaredy cat!

On another note, she got her first major "owie" this week. She fell down our front porch steps and hit her eye and scraped it. I felt HORRIBLE! I was watching her from behind and thought she was able to go down the stairs by scooting her butt down. She decided to somersault down the steps though. Her first black eye...


Unknown said...

aww, her eye looks ok!

sillie smile said...

she's a adventurous little girl! her and sillie would have a blast! (altho she would get taught many daring things)...

be careful of her face! sillie's had many black eyes, split chin and now she has a grey front tooth from falling on it while running/climbing...hopefully Lila will NEVER have any of those things!