Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My first blog

Well not technically, but I've moved from the Xanga world to Blogspot. I've succumbed to blogging about my pregnancy, which most soon-to-be moms seem to do. I'm officially 26 weeks and according to, my little girl is the size of an English Hothouse Cucumber. Say what?

The babycenter site cracks me up because it's always comparing the growing baby to a fruit or vegetable. Is it so humans can relate? I guess saying that the baby is now one pound and about 12 inches long wouldn't give me that perfect mental picture but the English Hothouse Cucumber sure does.


On another note, my close girlfriend, Amy, got married on 8.09.08 (lucky number 8) at the Beverly Hills Hotel, and it was the most beautiful wedding. Here are some pics:

happy couple


belly shot, kinda

usc band...yes, you read right

hubs with friends acting silly


Unknown said...

awww chris, you look so CUTE! i like the title of your blog... soon to be three :) your daughter is going to love it, reading back on your blog :)

scgirly said...

hi chris! so happy u are blogging again. u found a pic of the cucumber? haha...

jangmi said...

hola chica! can you tell i'm still in baja mode?? glad to see that you'll be blogging once again. you've taken a long enough break! cute header...i always tell phil 1+1=3! =)