I'm back! I have been super busy for an upcoming fair, which happens to fall on a popular weekend. Weekend of a friend's wedding & the actual due date of Baby E. Wowee.
I'm pretty winded right now because I just spent the last 30 minutes (no joke) blowing up Lila's floaty device to take her swimming today. I'm so excited. Will she love it or hate it? The hubs and I have taken her to our pool lately just so she can get familiar with the place. We've dunk her feet in the wading pool which she didn't seem to care for. What gives? She loves bath time. Guess you can't compare the wading pool to her lil ol bathtub full of warm water.
For some reason, month 6 was the month of many milestones. She can sit up unassisted now (for a short period of time). It's refreshing to know she can see life in a different view other than laying down everywhere. She's been using her sippy cup more frequently. We've been giving her the bottle daily now, so she can get used to it while I'm away this month. Yes, I'm going away for a day trip for a bach party! Nervous but excited to see the "outside world". I'll also be at the fair for two days, but I'll be able to sneak in a feeding session since hubs said he'll make the trip to LA to support the family!
Big sis bought her these organic teething biscuits which I couldn't find at my local Target or Babies R Us. They look like doggy biscuits, but Lila seems to enjoy them. Her fave foods are still zucchini and avocado. New foods I've introduced this month are Asian pears, brown rice jook, and next up is cauliflower. I'm not a big fan of cauliflower, but my mil insists she eats it.
Anyhow, I'm off to change into my one piece! I'm scurrred.
::video of lila sitting::
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