I'm back again! I have pics galore and an update on what we've been up to!
Lila started drop off preschool at Eastside Christian Preschool which is about five minutes away from us. We've trying it out once a week to transition her full time or part time (part time, I'm hoping!!) before the dreaded moment I have to go back to working. Lila did great the first day and didn't even shed a tear. I want to say the reason is because she's attending school with her buddy Emi! We hear they get into mischief, but they are the youngest ones there so they have some growing up to do and learning from the big kids. The second week was hard, and she cried and became all dramatic. I called the Director when I got home, and she said Lila was fine and was painting with Emi. How soon they forget!!!
I got our first set of pics from school for what they've been up to for September!
Pre-Kinder Gardening
Pre-Kinder Gardening
Pre-Kinder Gardening

The school is growing an organic vegetable garden, and the kids are learning about the whole process. I'm excited for her to learn, and I'm LOVING the quiet time at home. It's nice to just have a few hours alone with Tabs and to get some work done around the house. I already have a routine down - get my grocery shopping done, go home and do the dishes, throw in a load of laundry, start prepping for dinner, and have time to watch a tivo'd show. Doesn't sound like fun, but just being able to do things like this without being interrupted is quite nice. While I'm busy doing all of this, Tabs is busy taking her morning nap.
She's so easy going and just follows along with Lila's schedule. I mean she's forced to, but honestly I don't have to worry about her eating or taking the bottle or sleeping. On the flip side, she's such the curious little one crawling from one place to another and getting into everything. I really have to watch her. I've already had to take out pieces of our rug and paper and crayons from her mouth. It doesn't matter what she finds, she will stick it in her mouth!

silly girl...
Last weekend we went to the Irvine pumpkin patch with the whole gang!
Look no hands!
Family pic
Girls with their face paint minus LB who was chillin in her stroller. She must have been tired from all the jumping in the bouncer!
That's it..till next time! I'll be posting about Tabi's bday next :-)